The Harts Honeymoon in South Africa: Introduction

Africa changes you forever, like nowhere on earth. Once you have been there, you will never be the same. But how do you begin to describe the magic to someone who has never felt it? How can you explain the fascination of this vast, dusty continent, whose oldest roads are elephant paths? Could it be because Africa is the place of all our beginnings, the cradle of mankind, where our species first stood upright on the savannahs of long ago?
– Brian Jackman

I struggle with where to begin. I have so much to say and so many stories to share. South Africa was beautiful and complex, amazing and challenging, a place where some of the world's most relevant issues - climate change, conservation, racism, income inequality - are impossible to ignore. Some of the most meaningful moments of the trip were the conversations, the kind of conversations that broke one of the cardinal rules of travel: Don't discuss politics or religion. Over bottles of wine, in taxi cabs, while sharing a meal, with strangers, with new friends from all over the world, we had thought-provoking and respectful conversations about the complicated, and sometimes controversial, issues facing South Africa and the world. We had conversations about what is going on in the US. And all of this was set against the back drop of a landscape of breathtaking beauty, filled with animals that seemed almost surreal. So, you see, I struggle with where to begin. 

It all started last year with an engagement in Jamaica. I was excited to be engaged, feeling mediocre about planning a wedding, and absolutely thrilled to get to plan a honeymoon. Brandon and I quickly settled on South Africa as the ideal honeymoon location. I know, I know, not your average honeymoon, but hear me out. First, we are not your average couple. Second, a safari tops many people's lists of dream trips and what better time to take a dream trip than your honeymoon? Third, giraffes. Fourth, it seemed like South Africa would include literally everything we wanted in a honeymoon - adventure, cool outdoor stuff, relaxation, wine country, a cool city, beautiful scenery, the standby of all honeymoons - the beach, and just a hint of luxury. Fifth, we knew that our honeymoon was the perfect excuse to take two whole weeks off work so that we could go halfway around the world. 

There was just one problem - money. After all, weddings don't come cheap. And neither do plane tickets to South Africa. I had considered using airline miles, but availability was difficult to find. Fortunately, I do not give up that easily. One Sunday afternoon, I was sitting at the kitchen table, again looking for award ticket availability as a way to avoid working on schoolwork while Brandon was doing some laundry. In what will likely always be a mystery, Brandon brought me a coin he had just found in the Cool Whip container we keep on the dryer for spare change (you can take the girl out of the South...). This was the coin: 


I have no clue where it had come from (other than South Africa, obviously) or how on earth it ended up in our spare change. All I know is that moments after we discovered the coin, I was able to book our flights. We were going to South Africa! From the beginning, something about this trip felt meant to be. 

Over the next several months, between wedding planning and work and school, our plans slowly fell into place. I researched and booked and planned. The months passed, we got married (!), the summer flew by and suddenly it was August and we were packing our bags. 

South Africa was everything we hoped it would be, and more. And, if I might brag just a little, I put together what was, for us, the perfect itinerary. I'll fill in the details later, but for now, here is the general outline of our two week trip. 

August 3 - 4: We began the LONG trip from Eugene, Oregon to Johannesburg, South Africa. We traversed 9 time zones across 33 hours with a stop in London. 
August 5: We arrived in Johannesburg exhausted and excited. We spent our one day in J'burg recovering and checking out the Apartheid Museum. 
August 6 - 10: We were picked up at our J'burg hotel to begin an incredible 5-day safari with Viva Safaris, which included Kruger National Park. 
August 10: We were dropped off at the airport after the safari for a quick flight to Cape Town. 
August 11 - 14: We explored Cape Town, fitting as much as possible into our brief time in the city. We explored on foot, we hiked up a mountain at sunrise, we toured the peninsula and got up close with penguins, we ate a lot of really good food. 
August 14 - 16: We ended our honeymoon in the best way possible, relaxing in the Cape Winelands.
August 16 - 17: We began the even longer (40+ hours) journey home, which I mostly spent looking at pictures and thinking about the once in a lifetime adventure that had been our honeymoon. 

Our honeymoon had it all! So stay tuned. Because I have so much to say and so many stories to share.