Disneyland Babymoon: What We Spent

And I’m back to wrap up the Disneyland posts with all the budget details. Everyone knows that a Disney vacation does not come cheap. And we, on our last vacation before adding a baby to the mix, did not make any special effort to “do Disney” on a budget. However, we also do not have unlimited funds, so we tried to strike somewhat of a balance between spending and splurging. What follows is just what worked for us, but there are certainly ways to spend less money than we did and probably even more ways to spend more. So without further ado, our Disneyland Babymoon Budget.


Park Tickets: $420 + $105
We were able to take advantage of special pricing on a 3-day package that include one Magic Morning. There were blackout dates, so we just had to make sure the open dates worked for us before purchasing the tickets at the discounted price. Additional expenses that I added to this category were $30 per day for 3 days of MaxPass and the cost of RideMax.

Flights: $391.64
I used an about to expire Alaska Airlines companion airfare, so our second ticket only cost $99 plus taxes and fees. We flew nonstop from Portland to the Orange County airport.

Transportation: $110
This includes $60 for airport parking and the cost of an Uber to and from our hotel and the airport.

Hotel: $1112.13
This was for 4 nights, bringing the nightly total to just over $278 a night. This was certainly not cheap, but was a steal compared to staying in the park and was on par with prices at similarly located hotels.

Food: About $600
This is my best estimate. Food is probably the area where we had the most opportunity to save money had we wanted to. We could have brought our own meals and snacks or chosen less expensive options. In fact, over a third of this total was from a single meal at Napa Rose. But, no regrets.

Souvenirs: $50
We bought exactly two things.

Disney Travel Agent: $0

That’s right. Zero Dollars. If you are looking for your own Disney magic, you can get planning help at no cost! If you want to know the name of my Disney Vacation Specialist, I’m happy to share her information.

Total: $2788.77


We had an amazing trip. I am thankful we had the time and money for a magical getaway to Disneyland.