Couchsurfing in China: The Giveaway

Update: The giveaway has ended. The winner is Sara Thomas! China. The word alone evokes sights and scents and scenery.


I have much more to say about my trip to Shaoxing, China. My cousin, Justin, and his wife, Candi, who is also a longtime friend, allowed me to stay with them for one amazing week of catching up, exploration, and new experiences. I am now home, unpacked, with laundry mostly done, but my mind continues to drift back to memories made and ahead to new possibilities. Fair warning: this will not be a short series of posts, so if you're not interested in hearing about China, you might not want to read for a while!

If you are interested (and why wouldn't you be?), I'm kicking the series off with a giveaway. Both items were purchased in Hangzhou during a day of mad shopping on a pedestrian shopping street amid heat and the smell of stinky tofu. The giveaway includes hand lotion and a scarf.



The giveaway closes midnight PST on Saturday April 25. To enter, comment on this post telling me the craziest thing you've ever eaten. I need to know that I am not the only one who intentionally tries weird foods!