Oregon Beach Camping

Of course I want to be writing about Jamaica. Jamaica was amazing and beautiful and everything I hoped it would be and more. But today, I am writing about another kind of beach in another kind of place. And I'm writing about the thing that made both places wonderful - time with my love. So here was the scene: Imagine a hot summer day, the kind of sweltering summer day that is thankfully rare in Oregon. To walk outside was to be hit by a wave of heat that made you want to turn around and run straight back into the air conditioning. Except it's too hot to run, so you just slowly walk and then find a spot to sit where you don't have to move. Add to the almost unbearable heat the smokiness. For weeks over the summer, wildfires throughout the region settled a tangible haze of smoke into the valley that frequently made breathing uncomfortable. On this particular day, I was also finishing up my work week and feeling hot and tired and stressed.

And then Brandon texts. "Hey babe. I'm at your place packing the camping gear into the car. Let's go to the coast."

Music to my ears.

I rushed home from work, eager to head out on our adventure. With no specific plan in mind, we loaded Sydney into the car and headed toward smoke free, cooler weather. An hour and a half later, we were breathing easy and enjoying the novelty of not sweating every time we did something intense, you know, like sitting quietly and breathing. On the drive, we chatted about where we might settle for the night. After some debate, we decided to try to find a spot at our "secret beach." Although there were no official campsites, camping was allowed on the side of the dunes opposite the beach. After another terrifying drive down the terrible road leading to the beach, we parked and made a few trips to carry our camping gear the short walk to the spot we decided to camp. If we had a vehicle that could drive on the sand, we could have pulled right up to the campsite.

From there, the weekend became everything. And nothing. I cannot even begin to describe how much I love weekends like this with Brandon. Days spent relaxing that end with nothing to do except sit and watch the sunset, days where I don't have to share him with anyone or talk to anyone else (I know, I know, I'm kind of unsociable sometimes). Days where I can recharge and reset from the stress of day-to-day life.

We walked to the beach and watched the sunset before settling in for the night.

We literally spent the entire next day walking along the beach. See what I mean by everything. And nothing. It was absolute perfection.

We did not see another person the entire day.

At one point, we set out our beach towels, ate a picnic lunch, and then took naps. We know how to have a good time.

Sometimes you just need to get away - from the heat, from the smoke, from the stress and routine of everyday life. I needed to recharge and reconnect. I am thankful for days when we can load up the car and randomly head to the coast to get away from it all.

And up next on the blog, the gorgeous and amazing Jamaica (spoiler alert: aka the trip where I came home with a ring)!

