So it's Been a While...

I have obviously not blogged in a while. And there are, like, 5 whole people who regularly read my blog and want an update about what's been happening in my life. So here goes. I wish I could say the reason I haven't written is because I've been doing something fabulous and farflung. But the truth is, thus far in 2015 I have stayed close to home. Of course that doesn't mean I haven't been busy. For instance, I recently decided to try online dating. It's been completely weird and (thankfully) mostly fun. And so far I've been able to follow my brother's advice to "not get murdered." So that's nice. In addition to being weird, fun, and non-murdery, it's also a surprising time commitment. I know. Excuses, excuses. And there's this little trip to China I have coming up soon which is requiring both time and money as I prepare (but, seriously, I'm going to China!!!).

So yeah, I haven't taken any trips yet this year. I have been on a couple wonderful hikes, though. And there are pretty pictures. That I'm sharing. Because Oregon is beautiful.

A snowy Watson Falls (snow!!!)



Toketee Falls

North Bank Habitat has become one of my new favorite spots.





There have been breathtaking sunrises and sunsets.



There has even been an Oregon Ducks shirt.


Don't worry, Dad, I'm still a Razorback fan. No need to disown me. I realize I've already risked my inheritance by getting a tattoo and all.

This year may have begun quietly. But then again, so did 2014. And then I took a last-minute trip to Oregon and my life went in an entirely unexpected direction. Whatever it may be, I'm ready for the next adventure!