Sunriver Conferencing

After a relatively low-key beginning to the year, things really picked up in the spring. Brandon and I took an amazing trip home to Arkansas for a long Easter weekend. A couple weeks later, my brother Ethan came for a visit and to run the Eugene marathon. Two weeks later was a quick trip to Spokane for a conference followed by my first backpacking trip over Memorial Day weekend. It was a bit of a whirlwind. In between Arkansas and my brother's visit, I managed to squeeze in another work trip, this time to Sunriver, Oregon. As far as places to have a conference, it is hard to imagine somewhere better than the Sunriver Resort. If you happen to be a conference organizer looking for the perfect place to host a small conference in Oregon, look no further. Having attended my fair share of conferences, this place had everything a conference goer would want. In addition to opportunities to learn new stuff. Of course.

A Beautiful Location:

When it comes to places in Oregon that I love, the Bend area is toward the top of the list. Although I love my little piece of the state the best, Bend is also lovely in a deserty kind of way. I loved getting to walk around the resort property, Mt. Bachelor visible in the background, during brief breaks from conference sessions. And the drive to get there was gorgeous, snow still piled alongside the road.

A Comfortable Place to Stay:

As an introvert, conferences can be hard. And exhausting. And, at moments, my idea of a really bad time - networking, although necessary, is most definitely not fun for me. I love having a comfortable and cozy room to retreat to at the end of the day where I do not have to talk to anyone. Except Brandon on the phone. He has no idea how much I must love him in order that make that exception. Sunriver more than delivered in the comfortable and cozy room department. There was even a fireplace and a bit of a view. A great place to stay? Check!

Good Conference Facilities:

If I have to sit all day, I at least want to sit in a not ugly room. The resort's conference facilities were well designed, easy to navigate, and seemed to be customizable to various needs. The staff made sure water and coffee (glorious coffee) were always available. Nothing life changing, but it is nice to attend a conference where the details are considered.

Yummy Food:

Okay, so I know not all conferences are catered, but this one happened to be and it was delicious. And I know not everyone prioritizes good food as a necessary component of, well, pretty much everything. Like the conference facilities, the catering facilities were ideal. Add to that really good food with enough variety to accommodate any diet and you clearly have a place that knows what they're doing. At this particular conference, all meals and snacks were included. There was even an outdoor s'mores social one evening that was especially fun.

If you're in the market for a great spot for a conference or other event, Sunriver Resort should be on your list.