The Wandering Mind

I began blogging 2 ½ years ago as a way to avoid working on my dissertation while writing about my favorite thing – travel. As someone who has always enjoyed writing, I wanted a creative outlet where I could write something other than scientific papers, which, let’s be honest, are a bit dry and usually not all that interesting. What began as a simple hobby has recently become something more. Lately, likely due to the major transitions in my life, I’ve become more thoughtful about travel, what it means to me, and how to more fully experience the places I visit. This brings me to my other interest – psychology. Now that I am officially Dr. Cora and am no longer in grad school, I have had more time to reflect on travel. I realized that many of the skills I teach and use in therapy are skills that can make travel more meaningful, memorable, and transformative.  So join me as I begin this new adventure in blogging. I’m glad to have you along for the ride!

I am unable to transfer the content of my previous blog at this time (yep, so not technically skilled), but you can still see all of my old posts at

MeCora HartComment